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Terra Vitis actions to guarantee
winegrowers' social responsibility

Monitoring the social responsibility of Terra Vitis winegrowers is an essential part of our approach. By doing this we guarantee the well-being and health of all, from winery employees to consumers, including the estates’ neighbours.

To this end, various actions are implemented by the association via the auditors and the certified winegrowers in order to :

  • Ensure the safety and well-being of employees;
  • Ensure the safety of consumers and neighbours;
  • Ensure product quality;
  • Ensure quality monitoring and traceability;
  • Ensure the well-being and health of all.

Each of the requirements relating to the social responsibility of grape farmers and winegrowers has been designed to meet the safety standards in force, the challenges of sustainable development and the realities of the field. These good practices are the result of collective reflection and the pooling of everyone’s experience.

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Taking steps to ensure good working conditions

The concrete benefits of our actions are:

  • Reduction of occupational risks thanks to a safe working environment;
  • Employee loyalty and commitment thanks to good working conditions and employee development;
  • Labour shortages alleviated thanks to a favourable working environment.

Availability of protective equipment

All employees of Terra Vitis-certified estates have access to quality protective equipment in good condition to prevent accidents at work.

Secure, clean facilities

Terra Vitis winegrowers' employees work every day in secure, clean and healthy facilities that meet all the standards in force.

Professional training

We regularly participate in and organise training and technical days in order to make ourselves responsible, to adapt, to improve and to reason our practices. Estate employees also receive regular training on various aspects of their work: use of pruning tools, prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, eco-farming, agroecology, etc.

Regular risk evalution

In order to guarantee a safe working environment for all our employees, we identify, assess and limit occupational risks using the DUERP (Document Unique d’Evaluation des Risques Professionnels - an official document that evaluates risks in the workplace).
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Terra Vitis to ensure the health of all

We encourage the implementation of actions that help ensure good health for all. On Terra Vitis-certified estates, the main benefit of these precautions and good practice is to promote understanding and sharing of the land with the neighbourhood.

Meeting with
the neighbours

We make a point of meeting our neighbours to talk to them about our estates and our commitments to Terra Vitis. The association's transparent and reasoned approach is generally well-perceived by neighbours, which encourages good relations.

Prevention protocol

After consultation with their neighbours, Terra Vitis winegrowers set up a protocol that allows them to simply warn the neighbours before any intervention in the vineyards. Most often, we send a text message.

Raising awareness

Besides raising awareness in the neighbourhood, we make sure we explain the Terra Vitis approach and the challenges of sustainable development those who visit estates. In this way, we encourage them to adopt more responsible consumption, and we help publicise the Terra Vitis certification.
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Working to ensure the quality of our wines

What are the benefits of our actions on the quality of Terra Vitis wines?

  • Production of healthy, quality grapes, essential for the production of quality wines;
  • Preservation of grape varieties, respect for the terroir;
  • Guaranteed traceability of Terra Vitis wines from start to finish.

and traceability

Each movement of the wine is registered, from vineyard to wine glass. This ensures complete product traceability and total transparency of the production process.

Limiting the
use of sulfites

For Terra Vitis wines, sulfites are strictly measured and their use is limited to protect consumer health and respect the terroir from which our wines have come.


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